Young Pioneers Founding Day
On 13th October, 2024, the autumn air was crisp. We celebrated the 75th Young Pioneers Founding Day, during which the Young Pioneers Organization of the Primary School Division conducted a series of celebration activities. To be concrete, in order to strengthen the Young Pioneers Organization of our school, on the occasion of the Young Pioneers Founding Day, the Primary School Division held the induction ceremony of the second group of Young Pioneers.
What's more, in order to further study and implement the spirit of the Party, enhance the sense of honor and responsibility of the young pioneers, our school held the 14th Young Pioneers Congress on the morning of 12th October.
Overall, the series of activities carried out on the Young Pioneers Founding Day aimed to practice the responsibility of the Young Pioneers who should be strict with themselves in their study and life, and strive to be excellent communist successors, which will add luster to the red scarves on the chests.